You spend your days browsing the internet, making great finds and then you lose track of the websites. Never Fear! ForgetMeNot will be your Internet Research Assistant and keep them for you.
ForgetMeNot organises your finds into Collections, that you can share with others and between your devices. You can tag your Collections and Tabs to create a Folksonomy that will bookmark the key subjects that you are researching. The tags automatically populate ForgetMeNot’s SideBar menu and with one click you can find all the Windows and Tabs that are associated with a particular tag.
ForgetMeNot is also a Window and Tab manager. From one place, you can see all your open Windows and Tabs - you can open, close, duplicate, minimise Windows and close and move Tabs both within and between Windows. So, no matter how many Windows and Tabs you have open, you can manage them easily with ForgetMeNot.
There's an annual charge to use ForgetMeNot which is roughly equivalent to the cost of 2 cappuccinos. If you decide to use Cloud Storage, there's a small additional charge.
ForgetMeNot works with both Firefox and Chromium based browsers, including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Vivaldi.
To install ForgetMeNot in a Chromium browser, go to the Chrome
Web Store and add the extension. Once
ForgetMeNot has been installed, click on the Extensions icon in the toolbar and “pin”
ForgetMeNot to the toolbar; the ForgetMeNot icon will then appear in the toolbar. Clicking on it
will bring up ForgetMeNot in a new Tab.
To install ForgetMeNot in Firefox, click here.
The screenshot above shows ForgetMeNot's Windows panel which allows you to manage your Browser Windows and Tabs. The tan coloured title bar of the panel summarises the number of Windows and has three icon controls:
In the screenshot, the Windows panel shows 5 Windows, 4 of which are collapsed and one that is expanded, showing its Tabs. The title bar of each Window contains a running total of the Tabs in the Window (e.g. 10 Tabs in the expanded window) and a number of icon controls:
When expanded, a Window panel shows all the Tabs in the Window. Each row shows the Tab icon and title and has the following icon controls:
The screenshot above shows the dialog that allows you to save a Browser Window so that it appears in the “Collections” panel. As well giving the Collection a name and a description, you can add tags that describe the content of the Collection; when you place the cursor in the tag field, you can either select an existing tag or to create a new tag, type in the text and press return. The tags are used to form the entries in the side menu (see section below).
When you press the Save button in the dialog, the new entry will be added to the Collections panel.
The screenshot above shows a Collections panel which displays 5 Collections that have been saved; only the Italian Recipes Window and Italian Recipes Collection are expanded.
The tan coloured title bar of the panel summarises the number of saved Collections and has a number of icon controls:
For more information about backing up and restoring files, see section below.
In the screenshot, the Collections panel shows 5 saved Collections. Each row contains the name of the Collection, the number of Tabs in the Collection and a number of icon controls:
When expanded, a Collection panel shows all the Tabs in the Collection. Each row shows the Tab icon and title and has the following icon controls:
When you save a Window to a Collection or you launch a Collection as a Window, the title of the Window will be changed to show that it is “Linked with Collection”; in the screenshot above, you will see that the Italian Recipes Collection is linked to one of the Browser Windows.
If you add or delete tabs within the Window and want to save the changes, the Save dialog will show all the changes and allow you to select which changes you want to save.
As well as using the Copy and Paste icon controls discussed above, you can drag and drop Tabs both within Windows and Collections or between Windows and Collections. When you drag a Tab either from a Collection to a Window or vice versa, a new Tab will be added. When you drag a Tab in an Window either to a new location in the same Window or to another Window, the Tab will be moved; likewise, when you drag a Tab in a Collection either to a new location in the same Collection or to another Collection, the Tab will be moved.
The menu bar at the top of the screen has a number of controls:
The screenshot above shows a sidebar menu which is triggered when you press the menu icon on the top left of the menu bar. The entries in the menu are the tags that you associated with Collections and Tabs using the dialog forms discussed above. When you click on a menu entry, the text will automatically be entered into the search box of the menu bar and a search will be triggered.
You can search all Windows and Collections either by using the left hand side menu or by
entering a search term directly into the search box of the menu bar. When a search is
triggered, a search results panel will open and display all matching Tabs; the Windows and
Collections panels will be filtered so that only Windows and Collections that match the
search term are displayed.
The screenshot below shows all the Windows and Tabs that contain the search term
Jamie Oliver.
You can backup your Collections to Cloud Storage. There are a number of reasons why you might want to do this:
When you want to back up a Collection that you have previously saved, ForgetMeNot will automatically detect the changes and allow you to choose what is saved. Likewise, if you decide to restore a Collection that is already in your Collections panel, ForgetMeNot will automatically detect the changes and allow you to choose what is restored.
The layout of the panels within the user interface of ForgetMeNot can be adjusted. A
vertical splitter allows you to resize the Windows and Collections panels. There is also a
“maximise” control at the top right of both panels which allows you to maximise a Window.
When the Search Results panel is open, there is a horizontal splitter between the search
results panel and the Windows and Collections panels that allows you to resize the search
results panel.
The layout changes you make are automatically saved.
Though it is possible to run multiple instances of ForgetMeNot in different Browser Windows, changes made in one instance of ForgetMeNot are not synchronized to other instances; you have to refresh the tab in which ForgetMeNot is running. Therefore it is best to run ForgetMeNot in just one Browser Window.
ForgetMeNot by default only saves Collections to Browser local storage on your machine. ForgetMeNot only copies data to the Internet if you decide to buy Cloud Storage. ForgetMeNot uses Cloud Storage solely for the purpose of saving and restoring Collections; it makes no other use of the data.
If you have any issues or comments, please email us.